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  1. Kunsttransport
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Wir fliegen Ihre Kunstsendungen an die wichtigsten Fine Arts Destinationen weltweit – hin zu Galerien und Museen. Sie möchten die Gemälde und Skulpturen mit Lufthansa Cargo sicher transportieren und suchen einen zuverlässigen Kunstspediteur in Ihrer Nähe? Nutzen Sie gerne unsere weltweite Spediteur-Suche für die Fine Arts Logistik und fordern Sie ein Angebot direkt von einer professionellen Spedition an!

Ob Skulptur oder Gemälde: Wenn einzigartige Kunstwerke eine Flugreise antreten müssen, ist professionelles Handling gefragt. Mit unserem Fine Arts Produkt fliegen diese Besonderheiten mit großer Sicherheit und Sensibilität zu ihren Zielen weltweit. Speziell geschultes Personal achtet auf die optimale Verladung zum Bestimmungsort. Eine lückenlose Überwachung garantiert die Sicherheit wertvoller Werke und Exponate. Im ARTcube, unserem Kunstlager am Drehkreuz in Frankfurt, gewährleistet eine separate Zugangskontrolle über ein Kartenlesesystem ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit. Zusätzlich ermöglicht eine moderne Klimaanlage mit Heiz- und Kühlfunktion eine gezielte Temperatursteuerung. Auch individuelle Logistiklösungen machen wir als Lufthansa Cargo gerne für Sie möglich. Sprechen Sie die hier aufgeführten Speditionen auf unsere Zusatzleistungen an!



Via Feltrina Sud 95
31044 Biadene di Montebelluna (TV)
Tel.: +39-0423-6131
Fax: +39-0423-613-421
D.B Group was founded in the 1980s, when the brothers Valter and Vittorino De Bortoli teamed up to provide international forwarding services. Knowing the importance of the global dimension of goods exchanges, they positioned themselves as partners who support their clients in managing all issues of the geographical limitations and distances.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Miller Road 5200
Suite 2100
V7B1L1 Richmond
Tel.: +1-604-207-2421
Fax: +1-604-207-2459
Bolloré Logistics is a global leader in international transport & logistics. Constantly adapting to its customers' changing needs, the company has enriched its expertise to become a tier-one supply chain partner and one of the top 10 transport and logistics companies in the world with the largest integrated logistics network in Africa.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

ul.Janka Wisniewskiego 31
81-156 Gdynia
Tel.: +48-12-2830196
Fax: +48-12-2830197
Bolloré Logistics is a global leader in international transport & logistics. Constantly adapting to its customers' changing needs, the company has enriched its expertise to become a tier-one supply chain partner and one of the top 10 transport and logistics companies in the world with the largest integrated logistics network in Africa.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Ave Reverchon 2100
H9P 2S7 Dorval
Tel.: +1-514-636-2576
Fax: +1-514-636-8799
With a wealth of shared experience in logistics and transport, and the knowledge that they made a great team, Daniel Soucy and Carole St-Cyr joined forces in 1997 to found Cargolution Inc. The aim is to provide innovative cargo solutions while maintaining the fundamental values of respect, integrity, ethics and commitment as part of their mandate.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Rostovsky per. 4th
1 bldg 2
119121 Moscow
Tel.: +7-495-626-5668
Fax: +7-495-626-5668
Our story began over five decades ago, from humble beginnings, when Jim Thompson started the company and our first ever shipment set sail in Japan. Since then we?ve grown into an extraordinary global business that has helped millions of families relocate their lives throughout the world.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Gutenbergstr. 5
65830 Kriftel
Tel.: +49-6192-97980-0
Fax: +49-6192-9798091
Express Air Systems has over 30 years of experience in air freight. We understand the often complex and intransparent processes and can therefore simplify them! Our goal is to make the booking process for air freight easier and more efficient ? for both forwarders and airlines
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Varshavskoe shosse 47
bldg 4
115230 Moscow
Tel.: +7-495-775-8319
Fax: +7-495-7758319
DB Schenker is the world?s leading global logistics provider ? we support industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chain management. 
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Via Portuense 1555
148 Roma
Tel.: +39-0665004846
Fax: +39-0665004870
Since 1990 we deal with shipments of goods for exhibition and events. Thanks to the close partnerships acquired through our international networks, we can guarantee efficient and professional service wherever the goods are on show.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Frachtstrasse 1
8423 Embrach-Embraport
Tel.: +41-44-866-3535
Fax: +41-44-866-3555
International Fine Art Services
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Doughty Blvd 420
11096 Inwood
Tel.: +1-516-825-7356
Fax: +1-516-825-7366
As the leading provider of Live Event freight forwarding and logistics services, Rock-it Cargo combines highly seasoned agents with the most trusted global network in the industry to deliver extraordinary events. We have spent decades building relationships with the most reliable and accredited cargo agencies to deliver your cargo safely everywhere
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

146th avenue 156-15
11434 Jamaica
Tel.: +1-718-244-6954
Fax: +1-718-244-6956
As the leading provider of Live Event freight forwarding and logistics services, Rock-it Cargo combines highly seasoned agents with the most trusted global network in the industry to deliver extraordinary events. We have spent decades building relationships with the most reliable and accredited cargo agencies to deliver your cargo safely everywhere
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Cargo City Süd 1
Geb. 528
60549 Frankfurt/M.-Flughafen
Tel.: +49-69-2445038-0
Fax: +49-69-2445038-111
DB Schenker is the world?s leading global logistics provider ? we support industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chain management. 
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Via F.lli Bandiera 29
20068 Peschiera Borromeo
Tel.: +390251666225
Fax: +39-0251666505
DB Schenker is the world?s leading global logistics provider ? we support industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chain management. 
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Kestrel Way 1
UB3 9HJ Hayes
Tel.: +44-20-8754-5000
Fax: +44-20-8754-5099
Our air, ocean and overland freight forwarding services include standardised transport as well as multimodal and sector-specific solutions, together with individualised industrial projects. Our business model is based upon brokering transport services between customers and freight carriers.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Rosenhofer Str. 9
93073 Neutraubling
Tel.: +49-9406-28480670
Fax: +49-9406-28480502
DB Schenker is the world?s leading global logistics provider ? we support industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chain management. 
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Ha'Ayalon street 12
7135220 Lod
Tel.: +972-8-9180111
Fax: +972-8-9180316
If you need to transport your goods, we can do it ? we have probably done it before. And in our warehouses and distribution centres we offer our logistics services including a variety of value-added services, designed to meet your specifications. We deliver your cargo safely, securely and on time anywhere in the world by air, sea, road and rail.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte Bestattungstransporte

Voie des Traz 1047
1211 Geneve 5 Echange
Tel.: +4122-929-8532
Fax: +4122-929-8508
Véron Grauer is the specialist branch dedicated to high-value items within the Deutsche Post DHL group and benefits from all the advantages of the group dynamic. This provides our clients with the benefits of a large carrier, world leader in air freight, combined with the personalised services of a smaller freight forwarder
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Harbour Exchange Square 2
E14 9GE London
Tel.: +44-7990 577133
Fax: +44-208-533-0122
Established in 1972, we offer a highly efficient, individually tailored, specialist art storage, art transport and installation service for collectors, galleries, museums and artists around the world. Our clients include those working in the contemporary and modern fields to specialists in classical antiquities and Renaissance masterpieces.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Avenue de Sécheron 6
Tel.: +4122-906-15-51
Fax: +4122-906-1585
Based in Geneva, Natural Le Coultre is a specialist for the storage, packing and shipping of works of art and valuable items. Advanced planning and encompassing continuous security measures as well as respecting museum standards and best practices are part of our standard operational procedures
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Aéroport de Nice Côte d'Azur 1
6056 NICE Cedex
Tel.: +33-4-97-25-78-25
Fax: +33-4-93-21-45-20
A French freight forwarder covering air, sea and multimodal transport, a shipping agent on the Mediterranean coast, an AEO-Full approved customs broker and a VAT specialist, we offer a tailor-made service, specific expertise and a vast international network.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Executive Blvd 1305
Suite 200
23320 Chesapeake
Tel.: +1-757-821-3700
Fax: +1-757-821-3752
DB Schenker is the world?s leading global logistics provider ? we support industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chain management. 
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Voie des Traz, CP 1028 1028
1211 GENEVE 5 Echange
Tel.: +4122-929-6020
Fax: +4122-929-6021
With an experienced team of 18 people, Transit?air supports you in all your projects by proposing tailor-made solutions that are advantageous and adapted to your needs and requirements.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Maman Building Room 304 1
7015100 Lod
Tel.: +972-3-9724357
Fax: +972-3-9712046
Air Consolidators Israel Ltd. was founded in 1969. The Company's line of business includes the arranging of transportation of freight and cargo
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Via Dante Alighieri 134
20096 Limito di Pioltello
Tel.: +39-02921341
Fax: +39-0292134298
If you need to transport your goods, we can do it ? we have probably done it before. And in our warehouses and distribution centres we offer our logistics services including a variety of value-added services, designed to meet your specifications. We deliver your cargo safely, securely and on time anywhere in the world by air, sea, road and rail.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Brandenburger Strasse 40-44
40880 Ratingen
Tel.: +49-2102-7147-112
Fax: +49-2102-7147-100
JAS is a premier ?go-to? company for those wishing to move cargo from anywhere in the world to anywhere else in the world. Through the use of advanced tracking technologies, sophisticated global communications, JAS is able to cost effectively handle the shipping of everything from tiny camera parts up to the massive components.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Via R. Sanzio 6-8
20090 Segrate
Tel.: +39-02216921
Fax: +39-0221692314
JAS is a premier ?go-to? company for those wishing to move cargo from anywhere in the world to anywhere else in the world. Through the use of advanced tracking technologies, sophisticated global communications, JAS is able to cost effectively handle the shipping of everything from tiny camera parts up to the massive components.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

14th FLOOR
10006-2214 NEW YORK
Tel.: +1-212-825-4800
Fax: +1-212-825-7010
Masterpiece International is a US custom broker, international freighter forwarder, and logistic provider specialized in the movement of art work and antiquities. Since 1989 Masterpiece has dedicated divisions that specialize in providing top level services to a variety of industries.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Bedrijvenzone Machelen Cargo 738
1830 Machelen
Tel.: +32-27530229
Fax: +32-27518975
Nippon Express is a Japan-based logistics company with a global reputation. As a logistics consultant, we aim to connect the world through transportation. At Nippon Express, we provide one-stop business solutions by integrating different modes of transport throughout the world.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Grasbrunner Straße 18
81677 München
Tel.: +49-89-638220
Fax: +49-89-6382222
We are still a family enterprise and continue as your discrete partner providing you with forwarding and storage services for sensitive, highly valuable goods and cultural artifacts.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Gaswerkareal 1
8010 Zürich
Tel.: +41-44-733-5111
Fax: +41-44-730-8880
Whether your needs involve an office relocation or personal removal, our modern and multi-faceted truck fleet can meet your specific requirements. We also specialize in transports of extremely fragile objects, machinery and materials requiring special handling. We also offer storage and warehousing facilities suitable for all your needs
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Fasanenweg 7d
65451 Kelsterbach
Tel.: +49-6107-/-3407
Fax: +49-6107-/-281198
As times changed, we expanded into international express services, and with equity participation by All Nippon Airways in 2009, we became the core entities of ANA Group cargo operations. Today, we meet a spectrum of customer needs with a global network centered on Asia.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Wall Street, Suite 725 1699
60056 Mt. Prospect
Tel.: +1-847-806-9595
Fax: +1-847-806-9599
Masterpiece International is a US custom broker, international freighter forwarder, and logistic provider specialized in the movement of art work and antiquities. Since 1989 Masterpiece has dedicated divisions that specialize in providing top level services to a variety of industries.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Peter Merian-Strasse 48
4002 Basel
Tel.: +41-61-284-7474
Fax: +41-61-284-7511
Since our founding in 1945 we have come to typify customised transportation and logistical services. Every day, with individual solutions and active globally. Amongst our long-standing customers we count with pride many renowned and globally operating companies.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Summer Street 66
2148 Malden
Tel.: +1-617-568-3870
Fax: +1-617-569-3860
Masterpiece International is a US custom broker, international freighter forwarder, and logistic provider specialized in the movement of art work and antiquities. Since 1989 Masterpiece has dedicated divisions that specialize in providing top level services to a variety of industries.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Budapest Nemzetközi Repül?tér 1
1185 Budapest
Tel.: +36-30-3685070
The Kuehne + Nagel Group is the largest seafreight forwarder worldwide in the field of FCL and LCL and second largest airfreight logistics provider. In the European overland sector Kuehne + Nagel is among the 5 leading forwarders.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Miller Road,Suite 129 5000
V7B1K6 Richmond
Tel.: 1-604-244-0855
Fax: 1-604-244-0966
The Kuehne + Nagel Group is the largest seafreight forwarder worldwide in the field of FCL and LCL and second largest airfreight logistics provider. In the European overland sector Kuehne + Nagel is among the 5 leading forwarders.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Langer Kornweg 32
65451 Kelsterbach
Tel.: +49-6107-40575-9900
Fax: +49-6107-40575-9910
Founded in 1871, our company started with one man, Carl Heinrich Hellmann, using a horse-drawn cart to deliver parcels in and around the town of Osnabrueck, northern Germany. Four generations later, Hellmann is a company with a worldwide network of 20,500 people in 489 branches in 173 countries
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Gyroscoopweg 19
1042AC Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-20-6583380
Fax: +31-20-6583399
Our story began over five decades ago, from humble beginnings, when Jim Thompson started the company and our first ever shipment set sail in Japan. Since then we?ve grown into an extraordinary global business that has helped millions of families relocate their lives throughout the world.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

International Airport 230-39
11413 Jamaica
Tel.: +1-516-371-8000
Fax: +1-516-371-4866
As a member of the large Japanese conglomerate, the Kintetsu group, Kintetsu World Express, Inc. has been a key player in the global transportation and freight forwarding industry since 1948. Since then, KWE has grown into a worldwide logistics and forwarding network spanning six continents
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Sven Oftedals vei 10
950 Oslo
Tel.: +47-95264580
Fax: +47-95264580
Our air, ocean and overland freight forwarding services include standardised transport as well as multimodal and sector-specific solutions, together with individualised industrial projects. Our business model is based upon brokering transport services between customers and freight carriers.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Gårdsvägen 18
169 03 Solna
Tel.: +46-8-594-908-00
Fax: +46-8-594-908-70
GEODIS' vision is to be the growth partner for its clients. As a logistics company, we achieve this through proven expertise across our five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express and Road Transport
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Turvalaaksonkuja 2
Tel.: +358-10-84931
Fax: +358-9-8702016
GEODIS' vision is to be the growth partner for its clients. As a logistics company, we achieve this through proven expertise across our five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express and Road Transport
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Nuolikuja 8
1740 Vantaa
Tel.: +358-9-351661
Fax: +358-9-35166328
Beweship aims to provide and develop privately run reliable freight forwarding and transport services globally. We strive to be our client?s first choice in any transportation related matter.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Bändliweg 20
8048 Zürich
Tel.: +41-445455159
Fax: +41-445455159
Based in Switzerland we offer individual logistic solutions for museums and galleries, collectors and private clients, auction houses and artists around the world.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Genua Strasse 14
4142 Muenchenstein
Tel.: +41-61-335-3333
Fax: +41-61-331-8047
Whether your needs involve an office relocation or personal removal, our modern and multi-faceted truck fleet can meet your specific requirements. We also specialize in transports of extremely fragile objects, machinery and materials requiring special handling. We also offer storage and warehousing facilities suitable for all your needs
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Dukelskych Hrdinu 47
170 00 Praha 7
Tel.: +420-224301092
Fax: +420-224301091
Our company specialises in packing and transporting works of art and other collection items. We also provide our clients with all other services related to the transportation of exhibitions and loans. We work with leading companies operating in fine art shipping around the world.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Langer Kornweg 27-29
60549 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49-69-69590724
Fax: +49-69-69590726
MAIRON is a modern, innovative air and ocean freight forwarder, which carries out your transports saving costs and time. Our professional and enthusiastic team of employees guarantees you at all time reliable, efficient consultations and offer individual logistics solutions.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Corp Center Dr., Ste 201 7200
33126 Miami
Tel.: +1-305-513-4430
Fax: +1-305-513-4440
Masterpiece International is a US custom broker, international freighter forwarder, and logistic provider specialized in the movement of art work and antiquities. Since 1989 Masterpiece has dedicated divisions that specialize in providing top level services to a variety of industries.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

K Vypichu 731
252 16 Nucice
Tel.: +420-311711155
Fax: +420-311711171
DB Schenker is the world?s leading global logistics provider ? we support industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chain management. 
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

In der Hochstedter Ecke 2
99098 Erfurt
Tel.: +49-361-60-11-042
Fax: +49-361-60-11-049
The Kuehne + Nagel Group is the largest seafreight forwarder worldwide in the field of FCL and LCL and second largest airfreight logistics provider. In the European overland sector Kuehne + Nagel is among the 5 leading forwarders.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Podporuchik Jordan Todorov st 51
1540 Sofia
Tel.: +35-929459333
Fax: +35-929706333
Orbit Ltd is one of the leading Bulgarian companies, providing Services and Innovative Business Solutions for Transportation, Relocation and Logistics.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Spezialisiert auf den Tiertransport von: Other Animals

Edwards Blvd. 6200
L5T2V7 Mississauga
Tel.: 001-2895626500
Fax: 001-9056121639

Unsere Speditionsleistungen für Luftfracht, Seefracht und Landverkehr umfassen standardisierte Transporte sowie multimodale und branchenspezifische Lösungen und individualisierte Industrieprojekte. Dabei beruht unser Geschäftsmodell darauf, Transportleistungen zwischen Kunden und Frachtunternehmen zu vermitteln. 

Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Spezialisiert auf den Tiertransport von: Pets, Other Animals

Florinis Str. 11
1310 Nicosia
Tel.: 00357-24643081
Fax: 00357-24646080
Lufthansa Forwarder Haustiertransport Transport anderer Tiere Kunsttransporte

W Higgins Rd (Suite 600) 2500
60169 Hoffman Estates
Tel.: +1-847-884-0444
Fax: +1-847-884-0333
As the leading provider of Live Event freight forwarding and logistics services, Rock-it Cargo combines highly seasoned agents with the most trusted global network in the industry to deliver extraordinary events. We have spent decades building relationships with the most reliable and accredited cargo agencies to deliver your cargo safely everywhere
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Tel.: +32-227529475
Das Logistics has always been operating as an independent airfreight forwarding company. Over the last 10 years we anticipated on the changing needs in logistics and we also started offering affiliated services as road transportation, warehousing, order management, express deliveries and courier services supported by a 24/7 assistance
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Via I. Pettinengo 72
159 Roma
Tel.: +39-064394700
Fax: +39-064394600
From the simplest transport to the logistical planning of a large international exhibition, Arterìa offers a customized service that is always committed and characterized by the highest level of safety and efficiency. Arterìa: a modern and innovative company that offers logistics dedicated to fine arts and valuable items
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Via Passeggiata 2
6828 Balerna
Tel.: +41-91-809-6100
Fax: +41-91-809-6119
Our air, ocean and overland freight forwarding services include standardised transport as well as multimodal and sector-specific solutions, together with individualised industrial projects. Our business model is based upon brokering transport services between customers and freight carriers.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Wanheimer Str. 61
40472 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49-211-90740
Fax: +49-211-9074105
DB Schenker is the world?s leading global logistics provider ? we support industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chain management. 
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Corso Spagna 17
35127 Padova (PD)
Tel.: +39-049-899-4867
Fax: +39-049-899-4873
DB Schenker is the world?s leading global logistics provider ? we support industry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport, worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chain management. 
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Rahtitie 3
1530 Vantaa
Tel.: +358-20-1669510
Fax: +358-20-7669439
CHS is a private Finnish company offering international freight forwarding and logistics services, warehousing, as well as supply chain management.We also provide specialized logistics services such as exhibition and event logistics as well as culture and art logistics, and we are the logistics partner to the Finnish Olympic Committee.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

rue Cousens 4107
H4S1V6 Ville St-Laurent
Tel.: 514-334-5858
Fax: 514-334-5006
For over 50 years PACART has been a leader in fine art shipping across Canada and around the world. With three offices across Canada and connections with global fine art shipping agents, PACART offers complete services to move your valuable objects.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Objekt 1
1300 Wien-Flughafen
Tel.: +43-1-7007-36894
Fax: +43-1-7007-35484
Founded in 1871, our company started with one man, Carl Heinrich Hellmann, using a horse-drawn cart to deliver parcels in and around the town of Osnabrueck, northern Germany. Four generations later, Hellmann is a company with a worldwide network of 20,500 people in 489 branches in 173 countries
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Maman building 1
suite 1011
70100 Ben Gurion Airport
Tel.: +972-3-9721444
Fax: +972-3-9731562
Hawk cargo is a privately owned company licensed as a customs broker, freight forwarder and insurance broker. We offer full scale of door-to-door, around-the-clock, logistics services supported by our worldwide network of agents. The flexibility of our structure allows our clients to receive a "tailor-made" solution at competitive prices
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Tel.: +1-718-339-7082
Fax: +1-718-339-7229
Elite Export Cargo Services operates as a global provider of premium freight services in the expedited transportation industry. Our services include: Air Freight, Air Cargo, Air Charter, Expedited Ground Transport, Ocean Freight and Just in Time Delivery for the Time Critical Shipping Business.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Kriegerstr. 12
51147 Köln
Tel.: +49-69-41855512
Fax: +49-69-41855521
MAIRON is a modern, innovative air and ocean freight forwarder, which carries out your transports saving costs and time. Our professional and enthusiastic team of employees guarantees you at all time reliable, efficient consultations and offer individual logistics solutions.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Anne-Conway-Str. 6
28359 Bremen
Tel.: +49-421-3299737
Fax: +49-421-3299794
Since its foundation in 1986, our company has developed from its initial core business - global shipments of capital goods for the machinery and power industry (Projects Division) - into integrated transport architects.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

33rd st 45-11
Tel.: +1-718-784-8444
Fax: +1-718-784-9337
The company was founded in 1933 by Frank White. Over the last 85 years, it has established itself as one of the premier shipping and installation companies, providing services to Art Dealers, Private Collections and Museums around the world.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Herndon Parkway, Suite 355 950
201710 Herndon
Tel.: +1-703-661-6881
Fax: +1-703-661-6885
Masterpiece International is a US custom broker, international freighter forwarder, and logistic provider specialized in the movement of art work and antiquities. Since 1989 Masterpiece has dedicated divisions that specialize in providing top level services to a variety of industries.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Bronsåldersgatan 4
213 76 Malmö
Tel.: +46-40-14-18-41
Fax: +46-40-14-02-81
GEODIS' vision is to be the growth partner for its clients. As a logistics company, we achieve this through proven expertise across our five lines of business: Supply Chain Optimization, Freight Forwarding, Contract Logistics, Distribution & Express and Road Transport
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Sahar Road, Chakala 1
400099 Mumbai
Tel.: +91-2228377793
Fax: +91-2228363873
The Cargo Division is positioned in the small enterprise segment for Transport and Logistic Services. The Company offers In-house Customs brokerage service under both its operating license: Hermes Travel & Cargo Pvt Ltd and Hermes Forwarders.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Hansestrasse 57
51149 Köln
Tel.: +49-2203-93-38-0
Fax: +49-2203-9338192
The forwarding company ?MBS Speditionsgesellschaft? was founded in 1987. At that time, the company provided services in the land and sea transport industry. However, MBS Logistics has experienced consistent growth since its foundation over 30 years ago ? from both a personnel and structural point of view and in terms of its range of services.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

South Cargo Dr. 4200
30320 Atlanta
Tel.: +1-404-768-1978
Fax: +1-770-909-8789
Masterpiece International is a US custom broker, international freighter forwarder, and logistic provider specialized in the movement of art work and antiquities. Since 1989 Masterpiece has dedicated divisions that specialize in providing top level services to a variety of industries.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Via Rossato 20
36100 Vicenza
Tel.: +39-0444-300-588
Fax: +39-0444-302239
Vicenzasped is the first Italian company specialized in the transportation, forwarding and handling of valuables. Vicenzasped provides a wide range of services such as shipping, transportation, customs clearance, insurance and valuables security.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Hovedgaden 630
2640 Hedehusene
Tel.: 0045-43203040
Fax: 0045-43253584
Lufthansa Forwarder Haustiertransport Zierfischtransport Kunsttransporte Bestattungstransporte

Wiener Straße 26
2326 Maria Lanzendorf
Tel.: +43-1-79799-7715
Fax: +43-1-79799-7711
In addition to its core business of overland transport, air & sea freight and logistics, the company also operates a number of highly specialized industry solutions and subsidiaries under the umbrella of Gebrüder Weiss Holding AG, . This includes logistics consultancy Railcargo (railway transport) and the Gebrüder Weiss parcel service GWP
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte Bestattungstransporte

Evripidou str. & Syngrou Ave. 2
176 74 Kallithea
Tel.: 30-210-3542168,-9
Fax: 30-210-3542324
Trading since 1923, we consistently provide the highest standards and quality services, with full commitment to our customers needs. Based on a tradition of 90 years of professional moves and transportation throughout the world, we offer the very best service and know-how available today in all aspects of moving, forwarding and logistics.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Via delle Industrie 1
20060 Pozzuolo Martesana (MI)
Tel.: +39-02952521
Fax: +39-0295252407
Our air, ocean and overland freight forwarding services include standardised transport as well as multimodal and sector-specific solutions, together with individualised industrial projects. Our business model is based upon brokering transport services between customers and freight carriers.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Building 27 1
190 19 Spata
Tel.: 30-210-3542007
Fax: 00302103542320
By implementing consistently the three principles of our founder, Dimitris Golemis, ?progressive thinking, innovative actions, hard work?, today we can proudly say that we have succeeded the establishment of our company among the top Freight Forwarding companies and logistics services of our sector
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

Objekt 1
1300 Wien Flughafen
Tel.: +43-5906901511
Fax: +435906901509
The Kuehne + Nagel Group is the largest seafreight forwarder worldwide in the field of FCL and LCL and second largest airfreight logistics provider. In the European overland sector Kuehne + Nagel is among the 5 leading forwarders.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte

* 1
21010 Milan Malpensa Airport
Tel.: +39-0258585370
Fax: +39-0258585375
Family-run by birth and vocation, the local company has grown into a Group working on an international scale, with skills and know-how encompassing more than 8 industrial sectors and with 117 operational sites throughout the world. We speak 25 different languages to be close to each individual customer, in their environment, their activities.
Lufthansa Forwarder Kunsttransporte